Contact Lenses
Get in Touch
mt eden branch
(09)630 3785
3 Walters Road,
Mt Eden, Auckland
Titirangi BRANCH
(09) 817 4380
517 South Titirangi Road,
Titirangi, Auckland

Contact lenses
Our optometrist Sarah is experienced in fitting a range of people including children
with contact lenses - From soft disposable lenses (standard and toric) through to rigid gas permeable contact lenses.
We have a wide range of brands and types of lenses to suit everyone’s personal needs
These include:
- Daily disposables - A contact lens you wear for 1 day and then throw away - great for children or people playing sport and for people who wear lenses occasionally.
- Two weekly replacement - A contact lens you wear for a fortnight before replacing - but taking out at night for cleaning and leaving in contact lens solution.
- Monthly replacement - A contact lens you wear for a month before replacing - but taking out at night and cleaning with contact lens solution.
- Monthly replacement night and day wear- A contact lens you can leave in for up to a month before replacing - but may have to take out to clean with contact lens solution.
- Gas permeable lenses – A hard contact lens you can have for a year or so. Not suitable for everyone as they are less comfortable.
We do all brands and sizes, but if you require further information, please contact our team.
There are different contact lens solution on the market and advice can be given to suit your personal requirements, or can be changed if the current solution is not suitable. Come instore to view our wide range, and find what is best for you.
CooperVision understand that more children in urban areas are developing myopia. While glasses and soft contact lenses can correct the condition, until now, they have been unable to slow its rate of progression. That’s why CooperVision developed MiSight®as part of their Myopia Management System™.
MiSight daily disposable contact lenses not only optically correct existing myopia, giving clear distance and near vision, but MiSight has also been proven to slow the progression of myopia in most children.
To learn more about MiSight: